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Thursday, April 12, 2018

I Took on Too Much This Semester

Once again I've managed to fall of the face of the earth when it comes to keeping up with blogging... it's a lot of work surprisingly. During the Fall semester, I felt like I didn't have anything substantive to share even though I was in D.C. But anything that I began typing ended up being unrelated to law school and while thats is completely okay, it just felt forced. This Spring semester I am so...
Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Semester, New Me?

The beginning of the spring semester is just a few short weeks away! Its time to get prepared, organized and focused on the semester that lies ahead. There are many many things that I do to prepare myself and ensure that I stay on track (including binge watch netflix since I won't have the time to do that). Keep in mind that everything is all trial and error, what works for me might not work for...
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

D.C. Until We Meet Again.

Is it seriously already December?! 4 months has absolutely flown by! I just moved back home from D.C. on Monday & I still cannot believe that my semester is already over. So how was it? Hectic. Stressful. Totally worth it. Hectic & stressful because I had a lot of issues with financial aide this semester that caused a TONNNNNN of unnecessary stress and left me with less $$ than I had...
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Upper Level Courses -- WHICH DO I PICK?!

Yesterday the course offerings for the Spring semester were released. I had a tentative schedule already in mind based off of what was offered last spring. In fact I used last spring and this falls offerings to basically plan out my next 3 semesters (I seriously cannot believe i only have 3 left). It's safe to say that my plan was twisted. Before I get into what courses I am hoping to take...
Monday, September 25, 2017

D.C. -- I Never Want to Leave.

I’ve been MIA, but do you blame me? Spending a semester in a new place is overwhelming in so many good ways that having the chance to just sit down and blog about it has been at the bottom of my to do list. So where to start? I've been in D.C. for over a month and I can honestly say I LOVE IT HERE. The District and surrounding cities are so much more than I expected them to be. It has been...